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Started by 85_Z28, June 14, 2003, 12:32 hrs

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Hey guys.. a newwbie here! My names matt... and proud to finaly be part of a computer forum!

Well... here's my problem!

Today I log on to Yahoo Messanger, and I have an offline message. It says;

lil_miss_priss42069 (6/14/2003 10:53:37 AM): there is a teddy bear worm virus out! it is not detected by norton or McAfee! Labeled...(jdbgmgr.exe)... located in your C: drive. Go to your start button.. click FIND/SEARCH.. type in the virus ID... if you find it.. it has a teddy bear icon. delete it NOW! it stays dormant for 14 days, then eats the motherboard! Please send this to

Well.. I checked it out.. and sure enough I had it.  It also says (in it's properties) that it is part of Microsoft? Debugger Registrar for Java

Any help on this issue?
Thanx, Matt


It's a hoax


but a warning - make sure you have realtime antivirus running at all times -- the next one may not be a hoax.


Thats what I figured... now say I was to delete it...
what would happen?


Java applets will then not work properly.


Sorry to say.. I am not THAT much of a geek... YET!
What exactly are Java Applets?


Java is a programming language from Sun that is used widely -- both standalone applications and on the Internet.

A lot of routers and other network hardware use Java applets - so do things like online banking, email access over the web, etc. - you are bound to find at least some things will fail to load and run without working Java support on your system.


Ok, thanx for explaining!