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Off the Wall => Dinner and a Movie => Topic started by: pat on April 27, 2008, 19:42 hrs

Title: Stranger than Fiction
Post by: pat on April 27, 2008, 19:42 hrs
Now here's a fine family friendly flick, low key but you do have to pay attention and it all comes together in the end. Will Ferrell play an IRS guy that seems to be caught up in a book being written by an author that is having a hard time figuring out how to kill off the main character. This is good stuff and a great feel good film.

Dinner was a turkey cooked outside on the grill using the rotisserie with some fresh home grown asparagus. Ah the turkey was succulent inside and crispy on the outside and the asparagus was excellent. Looks like turkey leftovers for most of the week though which ain't all bad.
Title: Re: Stranger than Fiction
Post by: scuzzy on April 28, 2008, 13:14 hrs
I just added it to my Netflix cue.

Scuzzy; the movie, not the meal.
Title: Re: Stranger than Fiction
Post by: Ace on April 29, 2008, 06:18 hrs
I was trying to figure what could be stranger than friction...

I liked Will Ferrell in "Elf."  He was fine on SNL.  But doesn't exactly hold my attention, as a prime time player.  I guess if it's a fine family friendly flick I wouldn't be that interested... I enjoy the gratuitious violence and mayhem and bloodshed and XRated dialog and excessive nudity and full frontal assault of a good non-friendly repulsive film.  As long as it's essential to the story. 

Will Ferrell would be preferrable to Adam Sandler; that's a guy I'd like to see blown to smithereens in a film.  I do like movies where things blow up, good.  Pauly Shore would probably be my perfect storm of someone whose character I'd like to see killed in the first reel. 

Ace; I like wholesome, cheery Disney-approved adult entertainment, like Miley Cyrus.
Title: Re: Stranger than Fiction
Post by: pat on April 29, 2008, 17:36 hrs
How about the price of gas or the current presidential contest? Those certainly belong in the strange but true categories, perhaps not stranger than fiction but close. But then again I remember you saying once you don't read fiction only those tawdry pulp tittles. 

Ah, what the heck give a family friendly movie a shot for a change. Unless of course your afraid your heart will grow 10 sizes to large.

Hope you enjoy the film Scuzzy.
Title: Re: Stranger than Fiction
Post by: Ace on April 30, 2008, 06:06 hrs
Well, I certainly don't read tittles.  I hate a tittle tale.

Usually, I read magazines.  I guess they're fact, for the most part.  I'm ok with my heart growing 10 sizes, unless that's life threatening.  Better than my waist, or head.

Ace; I did like Pulp Fiction.