Poasters Computer Forums

Off the Wall => The Poast Office => Topic started by: Ace on September 10, 2005, 07:48 hrs

Post by: Ace on September 10, 2005, 07:48 hrs

I hope turning a year older doesn't "Sting."  heh.  Pretty clever, huh.  I guess that's why I'm the Jester and Travis still isn't.  Well, Janitor too, and there's only two of us but I don't see Whiz cleaning up around here all that much, frankly.

Hope you have a wonderful birthaversary; I think it's neat we get the day off to celebrate it.  And it's noteworthy since there aren't too many females that frequent the chatroom; there's Karen, and I think there was a Carol, and then a bunch of Lins once.  It's hard to remember who's who...  They don't frequent that frequently...  One of them has a station wagon full of kids, and I think one is probably dealing with Hurricane insurance claims, and the other ones are who knows where.  But whichever one you are, you were Born On This Day and that we commemorate.

Well, not "this day" exactly.. I mean, that'd be nuts, to congratulate you if you're a newborn.  Like you'd care, you know? Or even know how to find the chatroom, and read it.  We pretty much cut these off for "4 year olds and older".   Hopefully, somebody will poast a cake and you can have that, too.

Ace; It's almost the end of (Gordon) Sumnertime.  Geez, I am so clever it's nauseating!  Hee hee.
Post by: Neon on September 10, 2005, 08:33 hrs
Ooh - Karen's birthday! That calls for a celebration!

I found this ice cream cake out on the internet. It looks pretty tasty, so you'd better hurry up and get your slice before Ace eats the whole thing. Or Ace sits on the cake, trying to make "snow angels". Or it melts, and we have to spoon the liquid into a bowl and store it in the freezer till you get back. Anyway, hope you like Oreos.
Post by: scuzzy on September 10, 2005, 09:35 hrs
Happy Birthday, Karen. Haven't seen you here in a while, but then again I don't think I've ever actually seen anyone here - other than Travis and his lightbulb. And he doesn't frequent us anymore. Oh, I just remember seeing a pic of Carskick and his yacht.

Best wishes on your 21st birthday.  ;D
Post by: saoirse on September 10, 2005, 10:56 hrs
Happy Birthday Karen  :)

Best wishes for a wonderful day.

Post by: Igloo on September 10, 2005, 13:18 hrs
best wishes Karen :)
Post by: Carskick on September 10, 2005, 17:51 hrs
Happy B-Day, Karen.

I hope your reasonable dreams come true.

My yacht!?!?
What a funny guy!
Post by: Carol on September 11, 2005, 16:55 hrs
Happy Birthday Karen
Hope you had a fun filled day!
Post by: Ace on September 11, 2005, 17:55 hrs
Well, Carol, we all sure hope you had a wonderful birthday and it's nice you

Hold it.  C-a-r... Oh.  Ok, you're the other one.  Dang, I get people confused here.  Well, actually, no, people don't get confused... I get confused.  By people.  

Ok, so, if you see "Karen" wish her a happy birthday, then, instead.  Although it isn't her birthday, now.  Probably be best not to say anything.. it would probably just confuse her.

Oh, who am I kidding.  It'd confuse me.

Ace; who started this stupid poast anyway..
Post by: Karen on November 14, 2005, 06:25 hrs
Oh my, talk about being late for the party!  Thank you all so much for the well wishes and the delicious cake...yum! Thank you for remembering me!

Sorry I haven't been around much lately.  Things at my work place have been really nuts.  We have new software that an outside vendor developed for my employer and the transition has been a very difficult one to say the least.  It's been almost a year now and we're still stuck with a buggy piece of junk.  From January to August, I worked 7 days a week with only a couple days off the entire time.  The vendor has released numerous "drops", but so far each one has only made matters worse.  I'm hoping my employer comes to their senses and sues the vendor for breach of contract for not providing a working release.

To add icing to the cake, mother nature threw us a few curve balls this hurricane season with the events of Katrina and Wilma (for those who may remember, I work in the insurance industry).  We currently have thousands of employees working 60, 70, and 80 hour weeks to process claims as quickly as possible and get money into the hands of our policyholders. We're working 7 days a week, from 7:00am to 7:00pm, including holidays.  I just completed two 70 hour weeks myself, and my company is begging for at least two more, but I'm going to give it a rest for a while before I completely burn out.  The money is good and in general I enjoy the work, but at this point I think my mental health is more important!  

The good news is all of my work gained the attention of the powers that be at my employer, and I was rewarded with a very nice promotion, bonus and a new salary level...just in time for my annual Christmas trip to Vegas!  Woo hoo!

Thank you all again for the birthday wishes!  I miss interacting with my poasters friends!  I'll try to do a better job at keeping up with the happenings on the forum.

Karen   :)

Post by: JimS on November 15, 2005, 20:29 hrs
Hey, Karen, Happy Birthday!  I haven't been around much lately, either.  If I recall, we have the same birthday, right?